The ENVI LiDAR User Interface

To start ENVI LiDAR, select LiDAR > Launch ENVI LiDAR in the ENVI Toolbox. The user interface opens showing the toolbar, Main window, Layer Manager, Navigate window, and Operations Log.

By default, the toolbar, Layer Manager, Navigate window, and Operations Log are docked in the Main window, but you can undock them or hide them.

Main Window

The Main window shows the area you are working on. Cursor coordinates and height display in the status bar of the Main window.

Zoom and Pan


Jump to Coordinates

Save the View

Create a Screen Capture

Return to the Default Position

Layer Manager

When you initially create a project, two layers are available in the Layer Manager: All Points, which contains the standard view of the raw point cloud, and DSM, which contains the digital surface model. Additional layers will appear when you annotate the view, when you calculate viewshed analysis, and after you process the data and the display toggles to QA Mode. When you are in QA mode, the Layer Manager shows the classification layers that were created during processing.

Navigate Window

The Navigate window shows a color Digital Surface Model (DSM) of the entire area. A DSM is an elevation model that includes the tops of buildings, trees, power lines, and any other objects. The area you select in this window is the area that displays in the Main window for processing or review. After you process the data, the Navigate window shows a grid overlay on the DSM. Correct and Reprocess Data describes how to select areas when you are in QA Mode.

Zoom and Pan

Select an Area


Set the View Point Density

Operations Log

The Operations Log shows information about the area, point density, ENVI LiDAR actions, warnings, errors, and processing status in black text. When LAS standards are referenced in the log, refer to the ASPRS web site for details. If you are running extensions from the Toolbox and you have a licensed copy of IDL with ENVI LiDAR, the Operations Log shows output from IDL in blue text. Errors for ENVI LiDAR and IDL appear in red text.

Also, in the Operations Log, you can:

Additional Windows

Other windows that can appear in the interface are the:

By default, these windows are not open when you start ENVI LiDAR. To show these windows, select View > window name from the menu bar.


Selecting View > Legacy Toolbox from the ENVI LiDAR menu bar will display the Toolbox. This was originally designed to show custom IDL extensions that used the legacy E3De API. This API has since been deprecated as LiDAR API routines were migrated to the ENVI API. Thus, the Legacy Toolbox no longer serves any purpose.

Custom extensions that were added using the ENVI LiDAR API will appear in the ENVI Toolbox.

See the following examples:

Cross Section Window

The Cross Section window shows the selected DEM cross section and point cloud points that are bounded in the volume defined in the Main window. This window does not appear when you open ENVI LiDAR; you must first create a cross section view.

The following additional controls apply to the Cross Section window: