Coordinate System Settings

The cursor location coordinates display in the status bar of the Main window and below the Navigate window. By default, ENVI LiDAR displays x,y,z coordinates from the projection system specified at project creation. For example:

X: 593816.289 Y: 5289591.760 Z: 338.092 (Terrain)

where (Terrain) is the classification of the location under the cursor.

You can display the x,y coordinates in a different coordinate system by right-clicking the status bar and selecting one of the following:

When you select a different coordinate system and move the cursor back to the Main or Navigate windows, the coordinates display in the new format. To indicate the coordinates are converted from the original projection, (converted) appears at the end of the coordinates display. For example:

Lat: 47.752782 Lon: 16.251704 Z: 337.850 (converted) (Tree)