Review Processing Results

The following provides tips for reviewing the processed data and options for viewing the data while in QA Mode.

Tips for Reviewing Results

Tips for Terrain

Tips for Buildings

Tips for Trees

Tips for Power Lines

Tips for Multiple-user QA

Multiple users can QA the same project in parallel by copying the project to other computers and dividing the work by block numbers, starting with block 0.

To go to the block location:

  1. Select View > Jump to Location from the menu bar. The Select Location dialog appears.
  2. Enter the block number in the QA Block Index field, then click OK.

To merge changes made by multiple users, see Manage QA Change Lists.

Tip for Copy and Paste

You can copy the lat/lon coordinates of a selected item to the clipboard and paste it into another application. To copy the coordinates, double-click on the desired item, then select Copy Pick Results to the Clipboard. ENVI LiDAR copies the coordinates to the Operations Log as well as to the clipboard.

Adjust the Cloud Point Display Size and QA Grid Size

In the Preferences dialog, increase the size of the points that display in the Main window and the Cross Section window. Set the Main Window Point Size and Cross Section Window Point Size to values that make viewing the points easier, such as Large.

You can also change the QA Grid Size setting to increase or decrease the size and number of grids that display in the Navigate window.

Show or Hide Layer Items

In the Layer Manager, enable or disable the check boxes to show or hide specific layers. Different layers are distinguished by different colors, as set in the preferences. Adjusting the display enables you to focus on items of interest and also affects the display reaction speed. The display speed is slower when presenting large areas if the Terrain and Background Shape layers are enabled. When performing QA on large areas, hide those layers.

The layers in the Layer Manager are:

Use Perspective and Isometric Data Views

Use the Reset Perspective View and Reset Isometric View buttons on the toolbar to toggle between perspective presentation and isometric presentation of the data. The Perspective view provides an better understanding of the scene, particularly in dense urban scenes. The Isometric view provides an easier determination of cross section boundaries.

Perspective View

Isometric View

Create Cross Section and Horizontal Cross Section Views

Use the cross section view to examine and edit the point cloud. In this view, you can select multiple points for classification change, and edit and add building and power line vectors. A horizontal cross section (top view) is also available, which is useful to manually classify a large area bounded by a distinct border, such as a river.

Use one of the following to create a cross section:

Cross Section Window

Horizontal Cross Section Top View

The following settings in the Cross Section window control the thickness, position, and angle of the cross section frame: