Outputs Tab
In the Outputs tab, select the products to generate by enabling the check boxes. Only the product types and file formats you select will be created during processing. The product files are saved to project_directory\Products
(see Directories and Files for Generated Products for details). To change the default name of the directory, enter a new name in the Products Folder field at the bottom of the Outputs tab.
Tip: You can produce DEM contours and classified point clouds after processing is complete by selecting File > Export > DEM Contour Lines and File > Export > Point Cloud from the menu bar.
You can save a template of the values set in the Outputs and Production Parameters tabs and you can use the template with other projects.
Product Selection
To specify the products to create:
- Enable the check box next to each product type to create. Building, tree, and power line products require an ENVI Feature Extraction license to generate them. Contact your sales representative for more information.
- Enter a filename for each product type. A default filename is provided.
- Select the file format for the product type from the drop-down list.
The product types you can produce and their supported file formats are described below.
Product Type |
Supported File Formats for Output |
Orthophoto |
Orthophoto output is enabled by default. Set the orthophoto processing parameters in the Production Parameters tab. To launch orthophoto products in ENVI, export to GeoTIFF elevation format (the default). The supported formats are:
By default, DSM output and DEM output are disabled; enable the check boxes to generate products. You can improve the accuracy of the DEM by also enabling Buildings output, as this will automatically flatten the DEM directly underneath the buildings. Set the DSM and DEM processing parameters in the Production Parameters tab. To launch DSM and DEM products in ENVI, export to ENVI elevation format (the default). The supported formats are: Producing DSM/DEM products can increase processing time.
Buildings |
Enable the check box to generate building output. If you are creating DEM output, you can improve the accuracy of the DEM by also enabling Buildings output, as this will automatically flatten the DEM directly underneath the buildings. Set the building processing parameters in the Production Parameters tab. For details on perimeter output, see Attributes for Building Perimeters. To launch building products in ENVI, export to shapefile format (the default). The supported formats are:
Trees |
Enable the check box to generate tree output. Set the tree processing parameters in the Production Parameters tab. To launch tree products in ENVI, export to shapefile format (the default). The supported formats are:
Power Lines |
Enable the check box to generate power line output. Set the power line processing parameters in the Production Parameters tab. To launch power line products in ENVI, export to shapefile format (the default). The supported formats are: Enabling this option can increase processing time.
Point Cloud |
Power line output is disabled by default. The supported formats are:
The point attributes are classified mostly in accordance with the ASPRS (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) definition: 0: Not processed (due to dilution) 1: Unclassified 2: Ground 3: Low Vegetation 5: Trees 6: Building 7: Under terrain noise 10: Power line 12: Power poles |
DEM Contours |
DEM contours output is disabled by default. To launch DEM contour products in ENVI, export to shapefile format (the default). The supported formats are: Producing DEM Contours products can increase processing time by as much as 4 to 8 times. For faster processing, do not select this option the first time you process the project. Instead, use this option for final processing after QA, and only when contour lines are necessary for output.
Terrain TIN |
Terrain TIN output is disabled by default. To launch Terrain TIN products in ENVI, export to shapefile format (the default). The supported formats are:
1 Not a supported output when the input coordinate system is "Arbitrary."
2 Not output when the input coordinate system is "Arbitrary."
Export Coordinate System
The projection system values for the products are set by default when the project is created and those values display in the Export Coordinate System fields.
To specify a different projection system for the output:
Select a Projection System drop-down list. If you do not find the projection system you need, click the Advanced button to select a projection system using the Select Coordinate System dialog. The Projection System drop-down list options are:
- Geographic Lat/Lon
- Advanced
- Arbitrary Projection
- If the Projection System is Geographic Lat/Lon or UTM, select the export Datum from the drop-down list.
Select the export Units from the drop-down list. The choices are:
- Meters
- U.S. Survey Feet
- Feet in International Standard
- If the export projection system is UTM, select the Zone from the drop-down list.
Save and Use the Project Settings as a Template
You can save property settings to a template that you can apply to other projects. For example, you can save a template that contains settings useful for power line processing. When you start a new project, you can load a template that is stored on your computer. Any project-specific settings made in the Area Definition tab or in the General Settings area of the Production Parameters tab are not saved with the template.
To save project property settings as a template:
- Click Save This Project as. The Select Template Name dialog appears.
- Enter a template name, then click OK.
To use previously saved properties from a template:
- From the Outputs tab in the Project Properties dialog, select the template from the Load template drop-down list.
- In the Outputs tab, select the template to use from the Load template drop-down list.
- Depending on your workflow, click Save and Close, Save and Preview, or Start Processing. See Process the Data for more information.