Directories and Files for Generated Products
The following is the directory structure and files that are created during processing and export for an ENVI LiDAR project. Directories and files created under \project_directory
will vary depending on selected output types.
Directory and files for ENVI LiDAR products created through processing export |
Directory and file(s) for classified point clouds |
Orthophoto-generated files from LiDAR intensity or RGB |
Vector files of building planes |
Vector files of building perimeters |
DEM files |
Vector files of DEM contours |
DSM files |
Text file of project and processing information, such as area, file locations, processing time |
Vector or text files of Viewshed Analysis observer points |
Text file of DEM Test Precision Report results |
Vector files of power lines |
Text file of power line attachment points, including XYZ location for each point |
Vector files of power poles |
Text file of power poles, including X, Y, Z location, radius, and height for each pole |
Vector files of terrain triangulated irregular network files |
Vector or text file of trees, where the text file includes XYZ location, crown radius, and tree top height for each tree |
Raster of the Viewshed Analysis calculation |
Directory and files for raw data |
List of corrections performed during manual QA |
ENVI LiDAR project file |