Attribute Viewer

If a vector layer or an Esri feature class layer has an associated attribute table, you can view and edit the table attributes. Right-click on the layer name in the Layer Manager and select View/Edit Attributes.

You can filter the records by attribute, which is described in Filter by Attributes.

Select Vectors

Attribute data for a selected vector appears in the Cursor Value window.

Navigate the Table

Edit Records

If an attribute table exists for the layer, the following occurs:

Save Tables or Records

Save any changes you make to the attribute table by choosing Save or Save As from the File menu or the context menu.

You can also select records and save them as a shapefile by choosing Save Selected Records to New Shapefile from the File menu or the context menu.

Add Attribute Columns

Add vector attribute columns to the vector attribute table by selecting Options > Add Columns in the Attribute Viewer.

Add Column

Select the Add Column button in the Add Attribute Columns dialog. You can select the following properties for each new column:

Tip: The default value of 20.6 allows for large numbers. If you must change this value, remember to allow enough width for large numbers, including the number of decimal places you choose in the Precision field.

Remove Column

Select the Remove Column button to delete a column definition from the list.

Import Columns

Use the Import Columns button to import attribute columns from other files with this option. The following lists the available options for: