Region of Interest Layers

Region of Interest (ROI) layers are loaded as sub-layers of a raster. See the following sections for details:

Open, Load, and Manage ROIs

Open a file, as described in Open and Display Files. Supported ROI input formats include .xml files created with the Region of Interest (ROI) Tool, .shp files, and ENVI Classic .roi and .evf files.

When ROIs contain map information, such as those created from the Region of Interest (ROI) Tool or certain .xml files, they can be displayed with any raster that contains a compatible geographic overlap. If the base raster visualization contains a different resolution or map projection than the ROI definition, the ROI visualization layer will be reprojected to match the base raster. For information on how ROI reprojection works, see ROI Pixel Reprojection Background. A single ROI may contain multiple pixel and geometry definitions in different resolutions and projections; however, the Region of Interest (ROI) Tool only allows direct manipulation of definitions that match the current resolution and projection of the base raster visualization.

ENVI cannot reproject ROI pixel, threshold, and geometry definitions that were created without map information.

To manage ROI layers:

ROIs , EVFs, and Shapefiles as Input