HSV Sharpening
Use HSV sharpening to:
- Transform an RGB image to HSV color space
- Replace the value band with the high-resolution image
- Resample the hue and saturation bands to the high-resolution pixel size using a nearest neighbor, bilinear, or cubic convolution technique
- Transform the image back to RGB color space.
The output RGB images will have the pixel size of the input high-resolution data. The input bands must be byte data. Follow these steps:
- From the Toolbox, select Image Sharpening > HSV Sharpening. The Select RGB Input Bands dialog appears.
- Select the three color bands to transform from either an open color image display or from the Layer Manager. Click OK. The Input File dialog appears.
- Select the high-resolution input band and perform any optional spatial subsetting, then click OK. The HSV Sharpening Parameters dialog appears.
- Select the resampling method from the Resampling drop-down list.
- Select output to File or Memory.
- Click OK. ENVI adds the resulting output to the Layer Manager.