
This topic contains the following sections:

Spatial Subset

Use spatial subsetting to limit applying a function to a spatial subset of the image. In the Data Selection dialog, click Spatial Subset to open the Spatial Subset dialog.

You can also write a script to define a spatial subset using ENVISubsetRaster, the GeographicSubsetRaster task, or the SubsetRaster task.

Tip: If the image colors make visualization difficult in the thumbnail that appears in the Spatial Subset dialog, select an option from the Update Stretch drop-down list to change the stretch applied to the thumbnail.

Specify the subset in the following ways:

Spectral Subset

Use spectral subsetting to limit applying a function to selected bands of the image. In the Data Selection dialog, click Spectral Subsetto open the Spectral Subset dialog.

You can also write a script to define a spectral subset using the ENVISubsetRaster routine.

Tip: Applying a spectral subset before running spectral processing and analysis tools (for example, FLAASH or QUAC atmospheric correction or ACE target detection) can significantly change the processing results since the pixel spectral information changes after subsetting. If the raster has a bad bands list defined, you should exclude those bad bands in subsequent processing and analysis.

In the Data Selection dialog, all of the bands are selected by default, which specifies that there will be no subsetting.