Optional ENVI Header Fields

This topic describes optional metadata fields for ENVI header files.

From the Toolbox, select Raster Management > Edit ENVI Header. In the Edit ENVI Header dialog, set metadata fields as described in the following sections:

Acquisition Time

Use Acquisition Time to denote the date and time the image was acquired. The string must comply to the ISO-8601 standard and can be in any of the following formats:





Associated DEM

Use the Associated DEM field to associate a digital elevation model (DEM) with an image. Remove the field to end existing file associations.

Note: When you choose a DEM band, ENVI does not verify that both files are georeferenced and cover the same area. ENVI also automatically adds a geoid offset and assumes that the DEM is in meters above sea level, even for fixed-level DEMs.

  1. Click the Edit button.
  2. Select a DEM band.
  3. Click OK.

    When you select a DEM association, two fields are written to the ENVI header file:

  4. Field


    dem file = /path/file

    Path and filename of selected DEM file.

    dem band = 2

    Index (starting at 1) of the selected DEM band.

    The demband is not written if the DEM file contains a single band, or if the first band of an image was chosen. In these cases, the demband value defaults to 0.

    Neither field is written if an in-memory band is selected as the associated DEM band. In this case, the DEM association exists for the current ENVI session only; it does not persist for subsequent sessions.

    When you open an image that has an associated DEM, ENVI adds both the image and the DEM to the Layer Manager. If ENVI cannot find the associated file, ENVI displays an error message and adds only the base image to the Layer Manager.

    This DEM association also affects the following functions in ENVI.

Auxiliary RPC Info

Use Auxiliary RPC Info to provide geolocation information for files that have RPC reference information instead of a standard map projection.

Bad Bands List

Use the Bad Bands List to designate known-bad image bands in the image header file.

Band Names

The Band Names field lists the default band names for the image and allows you to substitute names that are more meaningful for your purposes. Select the band to rename, and enter a new value in the Edit field. The Band Names list will reflect the change when you press Enter or click elsewhere.

Class Colors

The Class Colors field displays a list of assigned class colors and allows you to assign new ones more meaningful for your purposes. Double-click the class to modify; a color table displays. Select a standard ENVI or system color, or define a custom RGB combination for the selected class and click OK.

Class Names

The Class Names field lists the default class names for a classification image and allows you to substitute ones that are more meaningful for your purposes. Select the class to rename, and enter a new value in the Edit field. The Class Names list will reflect the change when you press Enter or click elsewhere.

Cloud Cover

The Cloud Cover field allows you to specify the percentage of cloud cover within the image.

Complex Function

The Complex Function field specifies the values to calculate from a complex image and to use when displaying the image, calculating statistics for the image, or writing the image to a new file.

Select the desired lookup function from the drop-down list:

Custom Metadata Item

You can add your own metadata fields to an image by using Custom Metadata Item. Field names are stored and displayed in lower case only, and special characters are not permitted. The field values have no such restrictions.

Data Gain Values

The Data Gain Values field lists the default gain values for each band in the image. You can modify these values by selecting a band and entering a new data gain in the field located below the band list. Units are W/(m2 * µm * sr).

Data Ignore Value

The Data Ignore Value field allows you to specify pixel values that should be ignored in image processing workflows such as Feature Extraction, or to specify pixel values that should be transparent when displayed in the Image window.

Data Offset Values

The Data Offset Values field lists the default offset values for each band in the image. You can modify these values by selecting a band and entering a new offset in the field located below the band list.

Data Reflectance Gain Values

The Data Reflectance Gain Values field lists the default reflectance gain values for each band in the image. You can select a band and provide a new reflectance gain value in the field located below the band list.

Data Reflectance Offset Values

The Data Reflectance Offset Values field lists the default reflectance offset values for each band in the image. You can modify these values by selecting a band and entering a new reflectance offset in the field located below the band list.

Default Bands to Load

Use the Default Bands to Load field to specify which band numbers automatically load every time the file is opened. You can assign bands to RGB channels or assign a single band to define the image default as Grayscale.

Default Stretch

Use the Default Stretch drop-down list to specify what type of stretch ENVI will use when loading the image. See Stretch Types Background for more information about each stretch type. The default is No stretch.


Use the Description field to enter a string describing the image or the processing performed.

Fwhm (Full-Width Half Maximum)

Fwhm lists the full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) values of each band in an image. You can modify these values by selecting a band and entering a new FWHM in the field located below the band list.

Geographic Corners for Non-Georeferenced Files

If your file is not georeferenced but does include geographic information for the four corner points of the image, you can specify these coordinates in the ENVI header file. ENVI uses the four corner points to establish a pseudo spatial reference for the image.

Number of Classes

The Number of Classes field defines the number of classes, including unclassified regions, for classification files.

Product Type

The Product Type field describes the product type of the image. For WorldView and QuickBird products, valid values include:

For NPP VIIRS products, valid values include:

Read Procedures

Use the Read Procedures field to specify spatial and spectral read routines in ENVI Classic custom file readers.

Reflectance Scale Factor

Use Reflectance Scale Factor to enter a scale factor that is used in ENVI’s Endmember Collection dialog to correctly scale library data or other reflectance data to match the image data. If one of the files used in the Endmember Collection dialog does not have a reflectance scale factor defined, then no scaling is applied.

  1. Enter the value that, when divided into your data, would scale it from 0 to 1. For example, if the value of 10,000 in your data represents a reflectance value of 1.0, enter a reflectance scale factor of 10,000.
  2. Click OK.

Security Tag

Include the Security Tag field to provide a string with security information inherited from formats that typically contain security classification levels (such as NITF).

Sensor Type

Select an option from the Sensor Type drop-down list to indicate the sensor used to capture the image, such as QuickBird, Landsat TM, SPOT, or RADARSAT.

Solar Irradiance

The Solar Irradiance field lists each band in the image with its corresponding top-of-atmosphere solar irradiance value. Select a band and enter a new solar irradiance value in the field located below the band list. Units are W/(m2 * µm).

Sun Azimuth

Use Sun Azimuth to specify the angle of the sun (in degrees) from due north in a clockwise direction.

Sun Elevation

Use Sun Elevation to specify the angle of the sun (in degrees) above the horizon.


The Wavelength field lists the center wavelength values of each band in an image. Units should be the same as those used for the fwhm field and set in the wavelength units parameter. To assign a new center wavelength, select the band to be modified and enter a new value in the Edit field.

Wavelength Units

Select the Wavelength Units for all bands in the image by selecting an option from the following list:

X Start

Use X Start in conjunction with Y Start to define the upper-left pixel in the image. Images that are spatial subsets of larger images often use an image coordinate system that references the parent (or larger) image so that you can link and dynamically overlay the two images. The default values for the upper-left pixel are (0,0).

Y Start

Use Y Start in conjunction with X Start to define the upper-left pixel in the image. Images that are spatial subsets of larger images often use an image coordinate system that references the parent (or larger) image so that you can link and dynamically overlay the two images. The default values for the upper-left pixel are (0,0).

Z Plot Ranges

Include Z Plot Ranges metadata to specify an array that defines the default minimum and maximum values for Z plots.

Z Plot Titles

Use Z Plot Titles to specify text to display in the x and/or y axis titles for Z plots.

See Also

Edit Raster Metadata, ENVI Header Files, View Metadata