Edit ENVI Headers

Use the Edit ENVI Header dialog to edit the values of ENVI header fields and to save the results to an ENVI header file (.hdr) in the same directory as the input image. The directory must have write permissions. Only standard ENVI header fields are displayed. Metadata fields that are specific to certain sensors and data formats are not listed.

You can also write a script to edit raster metadata using the EditRasterMetadata task or the ENVIRasterMetadata::UpdateItem method.

  1. Choose an option to open the Edit ENVI Header dialog:
    • In the View Metadata dialog, click the Edit Metadata button.
    • From the Toolbox, select Raster Management > Edit ENVI Header. Select an input raster and click OK. You can open any raster format or sensor type that ENVI supports.
  2. Set the values of the ENVI header fields as needed.

Here are some tips for using the Edit ENVI Header dialog:

The following fields are required:

See Optional ENVI Header Fields for descriptions of all other fields.

See Calibration Metadata for descriptions of metadata related to radiometric calibration.

For raster series files (.series), see Raster Series Metadata for descriptions of the Regular Bands and Regular Grid fields.

Use the NITF Metadata Editor to edit NITF metadata. Access this dialog by clicking the Edit NITF Metadata button in the Metadata Viewer dialog.

See Also

ENVI Header Files, Optional ENVI Header Fields, View File Metadata, Edit NITF Metadata, Supported Data Types, ENVIRasterMetadata (API), ENVIRaster::WriteMetadata (API), EditRasterMetadata Task