Color by Height, Classification, Intensity, or RGB

Based on the format of the input file, point cloud and DSM layers can be colored or shaded by the following:

Use the Color by Height , Color by Classification , Shade by Intensity , and Color by RGB toolbar buttons to toggle point coloring on and off. You can show or hide the layers of a Color by mode by enabling or disabling the check boxes in the ENVI LiDAR Layer Manager. If you hide the all Points layers in the ENVI LiDAR Layer Manager, the DSM displays only intensity or RGB.

ENVI LiDAR may apply point coloring or shading differently if QA Mode is enabled. The differences between the standard view (when QA Mode is not enabled) and the QA Mode view are described below.

Standard View Point Coloring

When you create a new project or open an existing one, ENVI LiDAR determines how the points and DSM are initially colored or shaded in the standard view as follows:

If distinct values for both RGB and intensity are present in the input file, use the Color by RGB and Shade by Intensity toolbar buttons to toggle between the two modes. The two modes cannot be applied at the same time, but you can toggle between them.

If more than one standard ASPRS classification value (defined in the LAS Specification Version 1.4 - R11) is present in the input file, click the Color by Classification toolbar button to color points by their classification values. Any points that have any of the user-definable classifications value will be colored in a single color. Any points that have any of the reserved classification values will also be colored in a single color. You can change the default classified data colors in the ENVI LiDAR preferences.

The classes appear in the ENVI LiDAR Layer Manager. You can toggle them on or off in the view.

You can toggle the Color by RGB or Shade by Intensity buttons on and off to further modulate the classification point coloring in the view.

Color by Classification and Color by Height are mutually exclusive and cannot be displayed at the same time. You can toggle between the two modes.

QA Mode Point Coloring

When you process the project and go to QA Mode, the points and DSM coloring is similar to standard view described above, with these exceptions: