Global Digital Elevation Model

The example below shows how to display a digital elevation model (DEM) on an image and display it as a three-dimensional globe.

The code shown below creates the graphic shown above. Copy the code below and paste it into a new file in the IDL editor, then compile and run it.



; Read the DEM data file.

OPENR, lun, FILEPATH('worldelv.dat', $

  SUBDIR = ['examples', 'data']), /GET_LUN

elev = BYTARR(360, 360)


; Read the unformatted binary file data into a variable.

READU, lun, elev


; Deallocate file units associated with GET_LUN.


  elev = SHIFT(elev, 180)

  zscale = 0.05

  a = 360L

  b = 360L

  n = a * b

  spherical = MAKE_ARRAY(3, n, /DOUBLE)

  FOR i = 0L, a - 1 DO BEGIN

    FOR j = 0L, b - 1 DO BEGIN

      k = ( i * b ) + j

      spherical[0, k] = j * 360.0 / (a - 1) ; longitude [0.0, 360.0]

      spherical[1, k] = i * 180.0 / (b - 1) - 90.0 ; latitude [90.0, -90.0]

      spherical[2, k] = 1.0 + zscale * elev[k] / 255.0 ; radius




; Convert the spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates.

rectangular = CV_COORD(FROM_SPHERE = spherical, /TO_RECT, /DEGREES)

z = REFORM( rectangular[2, *], a, b )

x = REFORM( rectangular[0, *], a, b )

y = REFORM( rectangular[1, *], a, b )

; Read the global map file data.

im = read_png(FILEPATH('avhrr.png', SUBDIR = ['examples', 'data']), r, g, b)


; Create the array for use by the TEXTURE_IMAGE keyword for SURFACE.

image = BYTARR(3, 720, 360)

IMAGE[0, *, *] = r[im]

IMAGE[1, *, *] = g[im]

IMAGE[2, *, *] = b[im]


; Display the surface.

s = SURFACE(z, x, y, TEXTURE_IMAGE = image, LOCATION = [0, 0], aspect_z=1.0)


