Example: Structure Data in a Table Widget

The following procedures build a simple application that displays the same structure data in two table widgets; one in row-major format and one in column-major format.

This example is included in the file table_widget_example2.pro in the examples/doc/widgets subdirectory of the IDL distribution. Run this example procedure by entering table_widget_example2 at the IDL command prompt or view the file in an IDL Editor window by entering .EDIT table_widget_example2.pro. See Running the Example Code if IDL does not run the program as expected.

; Event-handler routine for 'Quit' button

PRO table_widget_example2_quit_event, ev




; Widget creation routine.

PRO table_widget_example2


  ; Create some structure data.

  d0={planet:'Mercury', orbit:0.387, radius:2439, moons:0}

  d1={planet:'Venus', orbit:0.723, radius:6052, moons:0}

  d2={planet:'Earth', orbit:1.0, radius:6378, moons:1}

  d3={planet:'Mars', orbit:1.524, radius:3397, moons:2}


  ; Combine structure data into a vector of structures.

  data = [d0, d1, d2, d3]


  ; Create labels for the rows or columns of the table.

  labels = ['Planet', 'Orbit Radius (AU)', 'Radius (km)', 'Moons']


  ; To make sure the table looks nice on all platforms,

  ; set all column widths to the width of the longest string

  ; that can be a header.

  max_strlen = strlen('Orbit Radius (AU)')

  maxwidth = max_strlen * !d.x_ch_size + 6 ; ... + 6 for padding


  ; Create base widget, two tables (column- and row-major,

  ; respectively), and 'Quit' button.


  table1 = WIDGET_TABLE(base, VALUE=data, /COLUMN_MAJOR, $

    ROW_LABELS=labels, COLUMN_LABELS='', $


  table2 = WIDGET_TABLE(base, VALUE=data, /ROW_MAJOR, $


  b_quit = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, VALUE='Quit', $



  ; Realize the widgets.



  ; Retrieve the widths of the columns of the first table.

  ; Note that we must realize the widgets before retrieving

  ; this value.

  col_widths = WIDGET_INFO(table1, /COLUMN_WIDTHS)


  ; We need the following trick to get the first column (which is

  ; a header column in our first table) to reset to the width of

  ; our data columns. The initial call to keyword COLUMN_WIDTHS

  ; above only set the data column widths.

  WIDGET_CONTROL, table1, COLUMN_WIDTHS=col_widths[0], $


  ; This call gives table 2 the same cell dimensions as table 1

  WIDGET_CONTROL, table2, COLUMN_WIDTHS=col_widths[0], $



  ; Call XMANAGER to manage the widgets.

  XMANAGER, 'table_widget_example2', base



The following things about this example are worth noting: