The RANDOMU function returns one or more pseudo-random numbers with one of the following distributions: uniform (the default), Gaussian, binomial, gamma, or Poisson.


Generating Uniform Random Numbers

This example simulates rolling three dice 10,000 times and plots the distribution of the total:

d1 = FIX(6 * RANDOMU(Seed, 10000))

d2 = FIX(6 * RANDOMU(Seed, 10000))

d3 = FIX(6 * RANDOMU(Seed, 10000))

h = HISTOGRAM(d1 + d2 + d3, LOCATIONS=hlocs)

p = BARPLOT(hlocs, h)


In the above statement, the expression RANDOMU(Seed, 10000) is a 10,000-element, floating-point array of random numbers greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. Multiplying this array by 6 converts the range to 0 ≤Y < 6. Applying the FIX function yields a 10,000-point integer vector with values from 0 to 5, one less than the numbers on one die. This computation is done three times, once for each die, then the results are added to obtain a vector from 3 to 18.

The HISTOGRAM function makes a vector in which each element contains the number of occurrences of dice rolls whose total is equal to the subscript of the element. Finally, this vector is plotted by the BARPLOT function.

For further information see Additional Examples.


Result = RANDOMU( Seed[D1[, ..., D8]] [, BINOMIAL=[trials, probability]] [, /DOUBLE] [, GAMMA=integer] [, /LONG] [, /NORMAL] [, POISSON=value] [, /RAN1] [, /ULONG] [, /UNIFORM] )

Return Value

Returns an array of uniformly distributed random numbers of the specified dimensions.



A variable or constant used to initialize the random sequence on input, and in which the state of the random number generator is saved on output.

If Seed is:

For Seed values equal to a non-whole number, such as float, RANDOMU only recognizes the whole number portion of the constant Seed. For example, using 7.0 as the Seed produces the same result as using 7.5 or 7.9.

Note: RANDOMN and RANDOMU use the same sequence, so starting or restarting the sequence for one starts or restarts the sequence for the other. Some IDL routines such as CLUST_WTS use the random number generator, so using them will initialize the seed sequence.

Note: Do not alter the seed array returned by this function. The only valid use for the seed argument is to pass it back to a subsequent call. Changing the seed values will corrupt the random sequence.

Note: Each independent random number sequence should maintain its own state variable. To continue a particular sequence over repeated calls to a procedure, the seed variable should be passed in as an argument to your procedure (or stored in a COMMON block for example).


Either an array or a series of scalar expressions specifying the dimensions of the result. If a single argument is specified, it can be either a scalar expression or an array of up to eight elements. If multiple arguments are specified, they must all be scalar expressions. Up to eight dimensions can be specified. If no dimensions are specified, RANDOMU returns a scalar result.


The formulas for the binomial, gamma, and Poisson distributions are from Section 7.3 of Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition), Cambridge University Press, 1992.


Set this keyword to a 2-element array, [n, p], to generate random deviates from a binomial distribution. If an event occurs with probability p, with n trials, then the number of times it occurs has a binomial distribution.

Note: For n > 1.0 x 107, you should set the DOUBLE keyword.


Set this keyword to return a double-precision random number.

RANDOMU constructs double-precision uniform random numbers with 53-bits of precision by combining two single-precision numbers:

X = [(A >> 5)*226 + (B >> 6)]*2-53

where A and B are 32-bit integer random numbers in the range 0...4294967295, and the shift-right operator >> is used to remove bits of precision. The resulting values will be 0 ≤ X < 1.


Set this keyword to an integer order i > 0 to generate random deviates from a gamma distribution. The gamma distribution is the waiting time to the ith event in a Poisson random process of unit mean. A gamma distribution of order equal to 1 is the same as the exponential distribution.

Note: For GAMMA > 1.0 x 107, you should set the DOUBLE keyword.


Set this keyword to return integer uniform random deviates in the range [0...231 – 1], using the Mersenne Twister algorithm. If LONG is set, all other keywords (except RAN1) are ignored.


Set this keyword to generate random deviates from a normal distribution.


Set this keyword to the mean number of events occurring during a unit of time. The POISSON keyword returns a random deviate drawn from a Poisson distribution with that mean.

Note: For POISSON > 1.0 x 107, you should set the DOUBLE keyword.


Set this keyword to use the older ran1 algorithm, which was the default in IDL 8.1 and earlier.

Note: The RAN1 keyword is only provided for backwards compatibility, for cases where you need to regenerate the same random sequence from an older version of IDL. Because of the limitations in the algorithm's design, it is strongly recommended that you use the default Mersenne Twister algorithm.

Note: See below for a detailed description of this algorithm.


Set this keyword to return unsigned-integer uniform random deviates in the range [0...232 – 1], using the Mersenne Twister algorithm. If ULONG is set, all other keywords are ignored. The ULONG keyword cannot be used with the RAN1 keyword.


Set this keyword to generate random deviates from a uniform distribution. This is the default behavior.

Additional Examples

Using the Seed Argument

If this is the first time that RANDOMU has been called and you start the sequence with an undefined variable, then IDL initializes the sequence with the system time:

; Initialize the sequence with an undefined variable,

; and generate one random number

seed = !NULL

randomValue = RANDOMU(seed)

The new state is saved in seed. To generate repeatable experiments, begin the sequence with a particular seed:

; Initialize the sequence and generate 3 random numbers:

seed = 12345

randomValue = RANDOMU(seed, 3)

PRINT, randomValue

; Restart the sequence.

seed = 12345

randomValue = RANDOMU(seed, 3)

PRINT, randomValue

IDL prints:

0.923121 0.333147 0.197888

0.923121 0.333147 0.197888

To continue generating numbers from the same sequence, pass in the seed variable:


IDL prints:

0.949422 0.783800 0.983885

Using an Array of Seed Values

To generate numbers using an array of integers as the seed:

seed = [1798157082, 2109670255, 1881608512, 763029868, 1350847629]

; Pass in the seed array as an expression so our seed is unchanged

x1 = RANDOMU(seed[*], 100000)

; Tweak the last seed value slightly and regenerate


x2 = RANDOMU(seed[*], 100000)

; Should get a completely different random sequence...


IDL prints:


Other Distributions

To obtain a sequence of 1000 exponential (gamma distribution, order 1) deviates, type:

Result = RANDOMN(seed, 1000, GAMMA=1)

The result contains a random series of waiting times for events occurring an average of one per time period.

To obtain a series of 1000 random elapsed times required for the arrival of two events, type:

;Returns a series of 1000 random elapsed times required for the
;arrival of two events.
Result = RANDOMN(seed, 1000, GAMMA=2)

To obtain a 128 x 128 array filled with Poisson deviates, with a mean of 1.5, type:

Result = RANDOMN(seed, 128, 128, POISSON=1.5)

To simulate the count of “heads” obtained when flipping a coin 10 times, type:

Result = RANDOMN(seed, BINOMIAL=[10,.5])

Notes on the RANDOMU algorithm

Notes on the RAN1 algorithm

Version History



8.2.2 Changed to use the Mersenne Twister algorithm, added the ability to use an array of integers as the seed, added the RAN1 and ULONG keywords.

See Also


Resources and References

The Mersenne Twister algorithm was proposed in the following paper:

M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, "Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator", ACM Trans. on Modeling and Computer Simulation Vol. 8, No. 1, January pp.3-30 (1998). See http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/m-mat/MT/emt.html for details.