The PREF_GET function returns information about IDL preferences. It can return any of the following information:


Result = PREF_GET( [PrefName] [, /NAMES_ALL | /NUM_PENDING | /STRUCTURE ] )

Return Value

The default return value is a scalar returning the current effective value for the named preference (specified by PrefName).

If the NAMES_ALL keyword is set, the return value is a string array containing the names of all the preferences.

If the NUM_PENDING keyword is set, the return value is an integer count of the number of preferences that currently have a value that was set (by PREF_SET) and not committed.

If the STRUCTURE keyword is set, the return value is a structure providing full details on the preference specified by PrefName. For more information see the Information Returned by STRUCTURE Keyword section in this topic.



The name of the preference for which information is desired.



If this keyword is set, PREF_GET returns a string array containing the names of all the preferences.


If this keyword is set, PREF_GET returns the number of preferences within IDL that currently have a value that was set (by PREF_SET) and not yet committed.


Set this keyword to cause PREF_GET to return a structure giving detailed information about the preference specified by PrefName. For more information, see the topic Information Returned by STRUCTURE Keyword (below).

Information Returned by STRUCTURE Keyword

If the STRUCTURE keyword is set, PREF_GET returns a structure giving detailed information about the preference. The type and number of fields present in the returned structure depends on the preference in question. Every such result will contain the same set of initial fields. Based on the information provided by these initial fields, there may be additional fields that supply extra information.

The fields contained in the returned structure are:

Version History



See Also