The H5S_GET_SELECT_HYPER_BLOCKLIST function returns a list of the hyperslab blocks in the current dataspace selection.
Result = H5S_GET_SELECT_HYPER_BLOCKLIST(Dataspace_id [, START=value] [, NUMBER=value] )
Return Value
Returns an (m x 2n) array, where m is the number of dimensions (or rank) of the dataspace. The 2n rows of Result contain the list of blocks. The first row contains the start coordinates of the first block, followed by the next row which contains the opposite corner coordinates, followed by the next row which contains the start coordinates of the second block, etc.
An integer representing the dataspace’s identifier to be queried.
Set this keyword to an integer representing the block to start with, counting from 0. The default is START = 0.
Set this keyword to an integer representing the number of blocks to return. The default is NUMBER = (N - START), where N is the total number of blocks in the selection.
Version History
5.6 |
Introduced |