The CALDAT procedure computes the month, day, year, hour, minute, or second corresponding to a given Julian Date. The inverse of this procedure is JULDAY.



In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII adjusted the Julian calendar to correct for its inaccuracy of slightly more than 11 minutes per year. As a result, the day following October 4, 1582 was October 15, 1582. CALDAT follows this convention, as illustrated by the following commands:

CALDAT, 2299160, Month1, Day1, Year1

CALDAT, 2299161, Month2, Day2, Year2

PRINT, Month1, Day1, Year1

PRINT, Month2, Day2, Year2

IDL prints:

10    4    1582

10   15    1582

Be sure to note this discrepancy between the original and revised Julian calendar reckonings if you calculate dates before October 15, 1582.

Be sure to distinguish between Month and Minute when assigning variable names. For example, the following code would cause the Month value to be the same as the Minute value:

;Find date corresponding to Julian day 2529161.36:

CALDAT, 2529161.36, M, D, Y, H, M, S

PRINT, M, D, Y, H, M, S

IDL prints:

0        4        2212           18            0        0.00000000

Moreover, Julian Dates should be maintained as double-precision floating-point data when the numbers are used to determine hours, minutes, and seconds.

So, instead of the previous call to CALDAT, use a "D" following the number to ensure that it is double precision:

CALDAT, 2529161.36D, Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute, Second

PRINT, Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute, Second

IDL prints:

7        4        2212           20            38        23.999989

You can also use arrays for the Julian argument:

CALDAT, DINDGEN(4) + 2449587.0D, m, d, y

PRINT, m, d, y

IDL prints:

8 8 8 8

22 23 24 25

1994 1994 1994 1994


CALDAT, Julian, Month [, Day [, Year [, Hour [, Minute [, Second]]]]] [, /MODIFIED]



A numeric value or array that specifies the Julian Date (which begins at noon) to be converted to a calendar date.

Note: Julian Dates should be maintained as double-precision floating-point data when the numbers are used to determine hours, minutes, and seconds.


A named variable that, on output, contains a long integer or long-integer array representing the number of the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December).


A named variable that, on output, contains a longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of the day of the month (1-31).


A named variable that, on output, contains a longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of the desired year (e.g., 1994).


A named variable that, on output, contains a longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of the hour of the day (0-23).


A named variable that, on output, contains a longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of the minute of the hour (0-59).


A named variable that, on output, contains a double-precision floating-point value or a double-precision floating-point array representing the number of the second of the minute (0-59).



Set this keyword to treat the input values as Modified Julian Dates (equivalent to the regular Julian Date minus 2400000.5).

Note: When converting Modified Julian Dates to and from date/times, be sure to specify the MODIFIED keyword on all calls to JULDAY and CALDAT.

Version History

Pre 4.0


8.8.3 Added MODIFIED keyword

See Also