IDLgrFont Properties

IDLgrFont objects have the following properties. Properties with the word “Yes” in the “Get” column of the property table can be retrieved via IDLgrFont::GetProperty. Properties with the word “Yes” in the “Init” column of the property table can be set via IDLgrFont::Init. Properties with the word “Yes” in the “Set” column in the property table can be set via IDLgrFont::SetProperty.

Note: For a discussion of the property description tables shown below, see Modifying Object Property Descriptions.

Objects of this class have the following properties.


An anonymous structure containing the values of all of the properties associated with the state of this object. State information about the object includes things like color, range, tick direction, etc., but not image, vertex, or connectivity data, or user values.

Note: The fields of this structure may change in subsequent releases of IDL.

Property Type


Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: No

Init: No

Registered: No


A string containing the name of the font used. See Fontname for details on constructing font name strings.

Specifying this property is the same as specifying the optional Fontname argument to the IDLgrFont::Init method.

Property Type


Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: Yes

Init: Yes

Registered: No


A floating-point value representing the point size of the font. The default is 12.0 points.

Property Type


Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: Yes

Init: Yes

Registered: No


A string that indicates the font to use as a substitute if the specified Fontname is not available on the graphics destination. Valid values are only those fonts that are available on all destination objects (the fonts included with IDL). These are: 'Helvetica' (the default), 'Courier', 'Times', 'Symbol', or 'Hershey'.

Property Type


Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: Yes

Init: Yes

Registered: No


A floating-point value between 1.0 and 10.0, indicating the line thickness (measured in points) to use for the Hershey vector fonts. Out-of-range values are quietly clamped to the allowed range. The default is 1.0 points.

Property Type


Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: Yes

Init: Yes

Registered: No


A value of any type containing any information you wish.

Note: Object references or pointers contained in the UVALUE property are not automatically cleaned up when the IDLgrFont object is destroyed.

Property Type

User Defined

Name String

not displayed

Get: Yes

Set: Yes


Registered: No