IDL Workbench Windows

This section provides brief descriptions of some of the Workbench windows you can open through the Window menu in the IDL Workbench main menu. For more details on these windows, see the Eclipse Workbench User Guide ( Windows that are custom to IDL are described in more detail in this topic.

Project Explorer

Similar to a file browser, the Project Explorer view organizes your project files in a hierarchical tree-type view. If this window is not open, select Window > Project Explorer from the IDL Workbench main menu.

To use the Project Explorer:


Use the Editor view to write, edit, and debug IDL programs. Following is an example of a file opened in the Editor.

Open files as follows; each file opened will open in its own tab.

Tips and Tricks for the Editor

Key Bindings




The Bookmarks view displays all bookmarks available in the IDL Workbench (the Editor section describes how to add them). You can navigate to a particular place in a file when it has been bookmarked. If this window is not open, select Window > Show View > Other >General > Bookmarks from the IDL Workbench main menu.


The Problems view shows collision detection - compilation errors and functions/routines with the same name that are located in your IDL path. Double-click a problem Description to highlight the associated block of code in your Editor view. If this window is not open, select Window > Show View > Other >General > Problems from the IDL Workbench main menu.

Note: IDL only has one namespace, so if there are multiple routines with the same name in the IDL path, the correct one might not be run.

Enable/disable collision detection in the IDL Workbench Preferences (Window > Preferences > IDL > Paths) by checking or clearing the box Warn when a routine is on IDL's path more than once.

Class Hierarchy

The Class Hierarchy view displays the class members associated with your program file. If this window is not open, select Window > Class Hierarchy from the IDL Workbench main menu.

Clicking on a name in the Class Hierarchy view will highlight the selected class in the Editor view.

To link your files to the Editor view, toggle the yellow arrows button on the Class Hierarchy toolbar. When enabled, click the name of a routine/function call or property in the Class Hierarchy list to highlight the call in the Editor view.

Hover over the other toolbar buttons to learn what they will do.

Command History

The Command History view shows a list of recent statements you have typed into the IDL Console. If this window is not open, select Window > Command History from the IDL Workbench main menu.

Clicking the "Date" column header allows you to sort commands by date from oldest or most recent.

To copy statements from Command History to the IDL Console or Editor:

The toolbar in the upper-right corner of the Command History view contains additional options:

IDL Console

This view provides a console window where you can enter IDL statements at the IDL> prompt. Information such as output from programs, errors, warnings, and so forth is also displayed in this view. If this window is not open, select Window > IDL Console from the IDL Workbench main menu.

Other features that are included in IDL Console view include:


The Profiler view helps you analyze the performance of your applications. You can monitor the calling frequency and execution time for procedures and functions.

If Profiler view is not visible, select Window > Show View > Other > IDL > Profiler from the IDL Workbench main menu.

Run the Profiler from the Workbench

To use the Profiler from the Workbench, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that all of your code is compiled by running your application once, or by clicking the Compile button in the Workbench toolbar.
  2. Select the Profiler tab in the IDL Workbench.
  3. Click the Enable Profiling button in the toolbar of the Profiler tab.
  4. Once the Profiler is enabled, run your code. If your program is open in the Editor view, click the Run button in the Workbench toolbar, or type the commands to run it in the IDL Console view.
  5. When the program completes, return to the Profiler tab and click the Enable Profiling button again to stop the profiler.

After the profiler stops, you will see the results appear in the Profiler view (see the image below). The profiler displays the values for different times taken during each of the routines and statements used in the IDL code you are testing.

Run the Profiler from the IDL Console

You can also run the profiler using the TIC and TOC commands. The results will automatically appear in the Profiler view. Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that all of your code is compiled by running your application once, or by clicking the Compile button in the Workbench toolbar.
  2. Enter the following code in the IDL Console:
    IDL> TOC
  3. The Profiler view will automatically be populated with the results. Select the Profiler tab to see the results.

The Profiler view contains the following columns. Click on a column header to sort the data by a specific column.

Code Coverage View

The Profiler view and integrated, which means the Editor view and show code coverage. If you double click on an IDL .pro routine, the Editor will be opened to that routine. If code coverage is not already displayed, you can show it by clicking the Show Code Coverage button on the Profiler view toolbar, or by selecting Run > Show Code Coverage from the IDL Workbench main menu. For more details, see Code Coverage.