Collect Tie Points

Next, define the relationship between the stereo images by selecting or generating tie points. The tie points are used to define the epipolar geometry and to create epipolar images, which are used to extract the DEM.

Define tie points using one of the following methods:

Generate Tie Points Automatically

Automatic tie point generation requires five parameters to be specified in Step 4 of the DEM Extraction Wizard:

If both images have certain map information, then a good way to establish the minimum search window size is to geographically link the base and warp images. Click a feature point (point A) in the base image, then click a feature point in the warp image. The cursor automatically moves to a point (point B) that is close to the ground feature point (point C) that represents the same ground feature as point A. Measure (in pixels) the distance between point B and point C in the warp image and use 2*(distance+1) as the minimum search window size. The search window size may vary considerably with different images.

For example, 81 may be sufficient for one image pair, while 781 may be necessary for another image pair. Using a larger value results in a greater the chance of finding the conjugate point, but takes longer processing time. Setting an excessively large value may result in false matches because more similar points may exist in a larger area.

Note: Increasing the Number of Tie Points, the Search Window Size, and/or the Moving Window Size increases the processing time but should also increase the reliability of the matching.

Click Next to continue.

Note: If the y-parallax error of any of the tie points exceeds 10 pixels, an ENVI Error dialog appears with the maximum y-parallax value. You should use the Prev button in Step 6 of the Wizard to return to Step 5 (see View, Add, and Edit Tie Points), and make sure all of the tie points are correct before proceeding.

Define Tie Points Interactively

Use this option to input your tie points by selecting them in one or both images. You must enter a minimum of 9 tie points in the images; however, 25 tie points is recommended.

Click Next to begin entering the tie points in Step 5 of 9.

Read Tie Points from a File

Choosing this option requires that you select a tie points file to use with the images file. When you select this option, you must provide a filename in the User Defined Tie Points File field.

  1. Click the Select New Tie Points File button to bring up the Select Input Tie Points File dialog.
  2. In the Select Input Tie Points File dialog, navigate to your tie points file and click Open. The path and filename appear in the User Defined Tie Points File text field.
  3. Choose whether you want to edit the tie points from the file before continuing in the Wizard. The Examine and Edit Tie Points toggle button is set to No by default, but it is recommended that you examine the tie points before proceeding. To do this, switch the toggle to Yes, so that you can review the tie points and edit those which are less than optimal.
  4. If you do not want to examine the tie points, leave the toggle button set to No (the default setting). Selecting No results in the Wizard applying the tie points, skipping Step 5, and proceeding to Step 6 of 9 (see Generate Epipolar Images) when you click Next.
  5. Click Next to proceed.

Note: If the y-parallax error of any of the tie points exceeds 10 pixels, an ENVI Error dialog appears with the maximum y-parallax value. You should use the Prev button in Step 6 of the Wizard to return to Step 5 (see View, Add, and Edit Tie Points), and make sure all of the tie points are correct before proceeding.