
Annotations are text, vectors, or graphics used to highlight features, details, or points of interest within an image. Use the Annotation toolbar tools to work with annotations. ENVI supports ENVI annotation files only (.anz, .ann). You can save annotations to new .anz files.

You can also write a script to create annotations using the ENVIAnnotationSet and ENVIAnnotationLayer routines.

See the following sections:

Create and Save an Annotation Layer

Add Annotations

Annotation types include text, symbol, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, polyline, arrow, picture, legend, color bar, and scale bar. Here are some general tips for adding annotations:

To copy and paste annotation items after creating them, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Select button to select one or more annotation items. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple items, or draw a box around multiple items to select them.
  2. Right-click and select Duplicate Selected. The selected items are copied to the view.
  3. Click and drag to move the new items as needed.

The following sections provide details about specific annotation types.


Symbol, Polygon, Polyline , Rectangle, or Ellipse


Image Magnifier

Image magnifier annotations are windows that display magnified views of selected areas in an image; for example:

If multiple data layers are displayed, the image magnifier will only apply to the selected layer.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Image Magnifier from the Annotations drop-down menu in the toolbar.
  2. Click and drag to draw a box around an area in the displayed image that you want to magnify. A window appears, showing a magnified view of the area you selected. A yellow line connects the magnifier window to the box that you drew.
  3. Click and drag to move the magnifier window to a different location, if desired.
  4. Click and drag the corner handles of the magnifier window to resize it.

Note: For best visual results, make sure your view is not rotated when creating image magnifier annotations.

The properties of the image magnifier are displayed beneath the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the ENVI application. Update the properties as needed.

Tip: If the magnifier window blends in too much with the surrounding base image, select the base image in the Layer Manager and use the Transparency slider in the ENVI menu bar to increase its transparency. In the image above, the transparency of the base image was increased to 40% to better visualize the magnifier window. Also in this example, the Line Color property was changed to red.


Follow these steps to add a user-defined legend:

  1. Select Legend from the Annotations drop-down menu in the toolbar.
  2. Click on a location in the Image window where you want to display the legend. If an ENVI classification image is displayed, a default legend is created with the same properties (such as names and colors) as the classification image. Otherwise, a default legend is added with five classes:
  3. The properties of the legend annotation are displayed beneath the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the ENVI application. Click inside of the Names and Colors field and click the arrow icon. The Edit Legend Names and Colors properties dialog appears.
  4. Edit the legend names and colors as needed and click OK.
  5. Edit other legend properties as needed.

Follow these steps to add a legend with the same class names and colors of a classification image that is not already open in ENVI:

  1. Select Legend from the Annotations drop-down menu in the toolbar.
  2. Click on a location in the Image window where you want to display the legend.
  3. Right-click on the Legend item in the Layer Manager (or right-click on the annotation item in the Image window), and select Import from Classification.
  4. In the Data Selection dialog, select a classification image from which to import class names and colors.
  5. Click OK.

Tip: You can also click the Import From Classification File button in the Edit Legend Names and Colors dialog, described above. When the Data Selection dialog appears, select a classification file and click OK.


Color Bar

Follow these steps:

  1. Display a single-band greyscale image.
  2. Right-click on the image layer in the Layer Manager, select Change Color Table, and select a predefined color table.
  3. Select Color Bar from the Annotations drop-down menu in the toolbar.
  4. Click on a location in the Image window where you want to display the color bar.
  5. The properties of the color bar are displayed beneath the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the ENVI application. You can edit the labels that appear under the color bar. To do this, click inside of the Labels field and click the arrow icon. Edit the labels as needed.
  6. To retain the same scale for the color bar as you zoom in or out, set the On the Glass property to True.

Tip: The !M£!X string represents the ≤ character, and the !M3!X string represents the ≥ character. Different system fonts may render these characters differently.

If the view contains more than one single-band image layer, the color bar annotation will be associated with the top-most layer. If the color table or stretch type changes in the image layer, the color bar annotation will update accordingly. If you remove the image from the display, the color bar will still remain but will use the last known color table and stretch type.

Scale Bar

Scale bar annotations initially show distance in the units of the current base projection. For example, if the base projection is UTM Zone 13 (WGS-84), the scale bar distance is in meters. If the current base projection has angular units such as Geographic latitude/longitude, ENVI converts the units to meters for the scale bar.

Range Ring

Range ring annotations allow you to create an annotation of a single circle, or multiple concentric circles, that are centered over an area you clicked. This annotation type is available when you have map information (standard, pseudo, RPC, etc.) associated with your view.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Range Ring from the Annotations drop-down menu in the toolbar. The Add Range Rings dialog appears.
  2. Specify the range rings:

    • To create a single range ring, enter the radius in the text field. For example, enter 500 to have a single range ring with a radius of 500 meters.

    • To create concentric range rings, enter comma-separated values for the radius of each ring in the text field. For example, enter 100,200,300 to have range rings of 100, 200, and 300 meters.

  3. Optionally, change the units of measurement to use from the drop-down list. The default is meters.
  4. Optionally, change the color of the range rings shown on the view by clicking the colored square and selecting a new color. The default is yellow.
  5. Click in the view where you want the centerpoint of the range ring(s) to be. The rings are added to the view.

  6. When you are finished adding range rings, close the dialog.

The range rings are regular annotation items that can be edited later, to change properties such as color, width, fill, transparency, and so on.

Delete Annotations

Affix Annotations to the Display

You can affix certain annotation items to the display so that they remain stationary while you zoom, pan, and rotate. See On the Glass Annotations Background for details.

Set the On the Glass property to True for the selected annotation item. ENVI automatically sets the Scale on Zoom and Rotate with View properties to False.

You can also right-click on the New Annotation item in the Layer Manager and enable one of these options:

Scale bar annotations do not have a Scale on Zoom property.

The icons for these annotation items are updated in the Layer Manager to indicate that they are on the glass; for example:

Zoom Options