Plot Properties

Plot properties are located in the expanded right panel of the plot window (click the arrow located on the right side of the plot window to expand/close the panel). The plot properties display by default. To hide them, toggle the Show/Hide Properties button .

General Properties

The General tab contains properties for the plot ranges and data.

General properties exclusive to the Spectral Profile and Spectral Library Viewer:

General property exclusive to the Horizontal and Vertical Profiles:

General properties exclusive to Series Profiles:

Curve Properties

The Curve tab contains properties for the plot display.

Plot Stats

The Plot Stats tab will show the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of each plot in the plot window.

Legend Properties

The Legend tab contains properties for the legend display. The tab is available only when you have a legend enabled for the plot. To enable a legend, select Options > Legend from the plot menu bar.