Select Input File
- From the Toolbox, select Geometric Correction > Orthorectification > Build RPCs. The Input File dialog appears.
- Select an input file such as a scanned aerial photograph, digital aerial imagery, or pushbroom sensor imagery. Click OK. The Build RPCs dialog appears.
- From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following options:
- Frame Camera: Scanned aerial photographs from a frame camera. This is the default value.
- Digital (Frame Central):Digital aerial photographs with a frame central projection. This type of imagery has the same projective geometry as a frame camera but does not include fiducial marks. Examples include Kodak DCS and Vexcel UltraCamD.
- Digital (Line Central): Digital aerial photographs with a line central projection. This type of imagery has one projective center for each sensor image line. Examples include Leica ADS40/ADS80 and STARLABO TLS.
- Pushbroom Sensor: Imagery from any generic pushbroom sensor (including ALOS, ASTER, FORMOSAT-2, IKONOS, IRS-C, KOMPSAT-2, MOMS, QuickBird, RapidEye, and SPOT) as long as GCPs are available. This option may result in better accuracy than the options available through the Map > Orthorectification option in the Toolbox because it uses GCPs (instead of ephemeris data) to compute RPCs. The actual results depend upon the number, the accuracy, and the distribution of GCPs.
The fields and required parameters in the Build RPCs dialog change, depending on the camera Type value you select. The following sections provide more information on each option.