VegetationDelineation Task
This task performs raster classification based on Vegetation Delineation.
; Start the application
e = ENVI()
; Open an input file
File = Filepath('AVIRISReflectanceSubset.dat', Subdir=['data', 'hyperspectral'], $
Raster = e.OpenRaster(File)
; Get the task from the catalog of ENVITasks
Task = ENVITask('VegetationDelineation')
; Define inputs
Task.INDEX = 'Normalized Difference Vegetation Index'
Task.INPUT_RASTER = Raster
; Run the task
; Add the output to the Data Manager
DataColl.Add, Task.OUTPUT_RASTER
; Display the result
View = e.GetView()
Layer = View.CreateLayer(Task.OUTPUT_RASTER)
Result = ENVITask('VegetationDelineation')
Output properties (Get only): OUTPUT_RASTER
Properties marked as "Set" are those that you can set to specific values. You can also retrieve their current values any time. Properties marked as "Get" are those whose values you can retrieve but not set.
This task inherits the following methods from ENVITask:
This task inherits the following properties from ENVITask:
This task also contains the following properties:
CLASS_COLORS (optional)
Specify a (3,n) byte array with the RGB colors for the given ranges, where n is the number of classes. Use this property in conjunction with CLASS_RANGES.
The default value is [[160,82,45], [255,255,0], [0,238,0], [0,139,0]]
CLASS_NAMES (optional)
Specify an array with the names for the given ranges. The default value is ["No Veg", "Sparse Veg", "Moderate Veg", "Dense Veg"].
CLASS_RANGES (optional)
Specify a (2,n) array of color slice ranges, where n is the number of classes. In each array element, specify the minimum and maximum data value for the class.
The default value is [[-1, 0.25], [0.25, 0.5], [0.5, 0.7], [0.7, 1]]
INDEX (optional)
Specify a string representing the pre-defined spectral index to apply to the input raster. The default value is Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index
Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Modified Normalized Difference Water Index
Non-Linear Index
Normalized Burn Ratio
Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 1
Normalized Difference Built-Up Index
Normalized Difference Infrared Index
Normalized Difference Lignin Index
Normalized Difference Mud Index
Normalized Difference Nitrogen Index
Normalized Difference Snow Index
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Normalized Difference Water Index
Normalized Multiband Drought Index
Photochemical Reflectance Index
Modified Red Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index
WorldView Built-Up Index
WorldView Improved Vegetative Index
WorldView Non-Homogeneous Feature Difference
WorldView Soil Index
WorldView Water Index
INPUT_RASTER (required)
Specify a raster from which to generate a spectral index raster.
This is a reference to the output raster of filetype ENVI.
Specify a string with the fully qualified filename and path of the associated OUTPUT_RASTER. If you do not specify this property, or set it to an exclamation symbol (!), a temporary file will be created.
Version History
ENVI 5.6.3 |
Introduced |
API Version
See Also
ENVITask, AgriculturalStressClassification Task, FireFuelClassification Task, ForestHealthClassification Task