ExportRasterToPNG Task
This task exports a full-resolution raster to a PNG file.
; Start the application
e = ENVI()
; Open an input file
File = Filepath('qb_boulder_msi', Subdir=['data'], $
Raster = e.OpenRaster(File)
; Process a spectral subset
Subset = ENVISubsetRaster(Raster, BANDS=[0])
; Get the task from the catalog of ENVITasks
Task = ENVITask('ExportRasterToPNG')
; Define inputs
Task.INPUT_RASTER = Subset
; Run the task
; Display the result
View = e.GetView()
Layer = View.CreateLayer(Task.OUTPUT_RASTER)
Result = ENVITask('ExportRasterToPNG')
Input properties (Set, Get): INPUT_RASTER, OUTPUT_URI
Output properties (Get only): OUTPUT_RASTER
Properties marked as "Set" are those that you can set to specific values. You can also retrieve their current values any time. Properties marked as "Get" are those whose values you can retrieve but not set.
This task inherits the following methods from ENVITask:
This task inherits the following properties from ENVITask:
This task also contains the following properties:
INPUT_RASTER (required)
Specify a raster to export to PNG. Since a PNG file can only have one or three bands, you must define a spectral subset of one or three bands from the input raster before running the task. See the code example above.
This is an object reference to the output raster, of filetype PNG.
OUTPUT_URI (required)
Specify a string with the fully qualified path and filename for the exported PNG file.
Version History
ENVI 5.2. 1 |
Introduced |
API Version
See Also
ENVITask, ExportRasterToCADRG Task, ExportRasterToCOG Task, ExportRasterToENVI Task, ExportRasterToKMZ Task, ExportRasterToNITF20 Task, ExportRasterToNITF21 Task, ExportRasterToNSIF10 Task, ExportRasterToTIFF Task