This function constructs an ENVIFinishMessage object to send to the ENVIBroadcastChannel. This message must be sent if ENVIStartMessage was sent to the ENVIBroadcastChannel, to close the progress dialog.
This example demonstrates how all of the ENVI API messaging components work together. It simulates an analytic operation and updates its progress in a progress bar and in the IDL console.
PRO ProgressBarAbortExample
; Start the application
e = ENVI()
; Get the broadcast channel to send messages to the ENVI system
Channel = e.GetBroadcastChannel()
; Create an object that uniquely identifies the message.
; Use the ENVIAbortable object to check if progress
; was cancelled.
Abort = ENVIAbortable()
; Broadcast a start message to the ENVI system
Start = ENVIStartMessage('Progress Bar Title', Abort)
Channel.Broadcast, Start
; Determine the number of steps to calculate
; percent complete for progress
nSteps = 73
; Initialize progress
Progress = ENVIProgressMessage('Executing Progress Message', $
0, Abort)
; Iterate through the work
FOR stepIndex=0, nSteps DO BEGIN
; Calculate progress for the step
percentProgress = Round(stepIndex* 100.0/nSteps)
; Update progress percentage and broadcast the progress
; message to the ENVI system
Progress.Percent = percentProgress
Channel.Broadcast, Progress
; Check if aborted after sending progress to see if
; Abort_Requested was set by any listeners
IF (Abort.Abort_Requested) THEN BREAK
; Simulate an analytic
dataProcess = dist(1000)
; Print the step to see the abort working
PRINT, stepIndex
; Broadcast a finish message to the ENVI system
Finish = ENVIFinishMessage(Abort)
Channel.Broadcast, Finish
Result = ENVIFinishMessage(SourceObject)
Return Value
This function returns a reference to an ENVIFinishMessage object.
Specify an object to have the message uniquely identified. If you provide an object that implements the ENVIAbortable interface, then the progress dialog will have a Cancel button and you can query the ABORT_REQUESTED property on your object to determine if the user cancelled the progress dialog.
ERROR (optional)
Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain any error message issued during execution of this routine. If no error occurs, the ERROR variable will be set to a null string (''
). If an error occurs and the routine is a function, then the function result will be undefined.
When this keyword is not set and an error occurs, ENVI returns to the caller and execution halts. In this case, the error message is contained within !ERROR_STATE and can be caught using IDL's CATCH routine. See IDL Help for more information on !ERROR_STATE and CATCH.
See Manage Errors for more information on error handling in ENVI programming.
Version History
ENVI 5.3 |
Introduced |
API Version
See Also
ENVIBroadcastChannel, ENVIStartMessage, ENVIProgressMessage, Messaging