This is a reference to an ENVIDataCollection object, which is a collection of data objects currently available in the Data Manager.
The advantage of adding an object (dataset) to the Data Manager is that it will persist throughout the ENVI session. If you close ENVI, the Data Manager closes the relevant files and cleans up object references. Also, if you have a script that runs an interactive session of ENVI (but does not close it), the object will be available for use even after the script ends.
The following always add to the Data Manager:
- Rasters returned by ENVI::OpenRaster
- Raster Series returned by ENVIRasterSeries
- Vectors returned by ENVI::OpenVector
The following objects do not add to the Data Manager. You can add them if needed by using the ENVIDataCollection::Add method.
- Rasters returned by ENVISubsetRaster
- Processing output generated from ENVITasks
Use the Data property of the ENVI function to create an ENVIDataCollection object:
Result = e.Data
; Start the application
e = ENVI()
; Open a raster file
File = Filepath('qb_boulder_msi', Root_Dir=e.Root_Dir, $
Subdir = ['data'])
Raster = e.OpenRaster(File)
; Open a vector file
Vect = Filepath('qb_boulder_msi_vectors.shp', $
Root_Dir=e.Root_Dir, Subdir = ['data'])
Vector = e.OpenVector(Vect)
; Get the collection of data objects currently available in the Data Manager
DataColl = e.Data
; Retrieve the contents of the data collection
DataItems = DataColl.Get()
FOREACH Item, DataItems DO PRINT, Item
Version History
ENVI 5.1 |
Introduced |
API Version