
When multiple layers are available, you can explore and compare them using a portal. Two portal types are available in ENVI:

When you create a new portal, it is added to the top of the Layer Manager and becomes the selected layer. The portal icon appears next to the layer name, as follows:

Three animation methods enable alternating between the display layer and the portal layer.

When animation begins, the portal layer displays first, then transitions to the display layer.

Add a View Portal

Click the View Blend , View Flicker , or View Swipe button on the toolbar to create a View Portal that performs the selected animation. (You can also select these options from the Display menu.) ENVI uses the first non-portal layer in the Layer Manager for the display layer, and the second layer as the source in the View Portal. The new layer name is View Blend, View Flicker, or View Swipe, depending on the animation method you selected.

The following shows a View Portal with View Swipe animation enabled:

Add a Standard Portal

Click the Portal button on the toolbar to use the first non-portal layer in the Layer Manager as the display layer, and the second layer as the source in the Standard Portal. Or, to open a Standard Portal with a different layer as the source, right-click the desired layer in the Layer Manager, then select Display in Portal. The new layer name includes the name of the source layer, preceded by a [p].

The following shows a Standard Portal:

Comparing Multiple Layers Using Portals

By default, when you select one of the Portal buttons from the toolbar, ENVI uses the first non-portal layer in the Layer Manager as the display layer, and the second layer as the source in the View Portal or Standard Portal. If you have more than two layers available and wish to compare the images to each other as well as the display image, see the scenarios below that use the View Portal as an example .

For example, your layers in the Layer Manager ordered as follows:


