Play Video Files

Choose an option to open and play video files. See Video Formats for a list of supported formats:

Playback Options

Click the Pause button to stop the video at any point while it is playing.

Click the Step backward and Step forward buttons to move backward or forward in increments of 1/100 of the total length of the video.

Click and drag the blue time slider to a different frame, or click anywhere inside the timeline to move in larger increments.

Click the Go to the beginning and Go to the end buttons to go to the beginning or end of the video.

To automatically repeat the video each time it finishes, click the Repeat button .

As you move the cursor around the video frame, the current pixel (x,y) location and the current time of the video update in the bottom of the video player.

Click the Add Bookmark button to mark a point of interest in the video. You can save all bookmarks to a file by clicking the Bookmarks drop-down button and selecting Save Bookmarks. Click the same drop-down button and select Restore Bookmarks to restore a set of bookmarks associated with a video.

Toolbar Options

Click the Full Resolution button to view the video at full resolution.

Adjust the Brightness slider as needed; click the Reset button to return to the original brightness.

Click the Negative Image button to view a version of the video whose color planes are reversed.

Adjust the Frame rate slider to increase or decrease the rate at which the video plays. Click the Reset button to return to the original frame rate.

Other buttons in the toolbar are only available for videos with MISB metadata.

Export Options

To export a specific frame to a new view in the ENVI display, click the Export Frame to ENVI button . The frame is assigned a temporary filename in the Layer Manager. You can treat the frame as any other image layer, using ENVI's display tools as needed to explore the frame in more detail.

Each time you export a frame to the ENVI display, it goes to the currently selected view. To view frames in different views, select the desired number of views from the Views menu in the ENVI interface. Then click and drag frames from the Layer Manager to different views. See Multiple Views for more information.

When you export a frame when multiple views are available, the frame goes to the active view (whichever is selected and shows a cyan-colored border). You can select a view by clicking on it, then clicking the Export Frame to ENVI button .

You can also export the entire video to a raster series by clicking the Export Video to ENVI button . In the Video to Raster Series dialog, specify the range of frames that you want to export. If you do not specify any options, all frames will be exported.

Videos with MISB Metadata

Videos that contain metadata in Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) format will display the metadata in the left side of the Full Motion Video dialog. See the MISB Standards web page for more information on the metadata fields. The Full Motion Video player has some additional functionality when playing videos with MISB metadata:

See Also

Spatiotemporal Analysis, Image Window Views